Tuesday 6 July 2010

done ber'kelana'

hello hello hello...

im homeeeeeeeeeee~~

just got back in canterbury on last 2day days (3rd july)
it was a great journey and highly recommended to all people in d world!!!

haha. to much exaggerate.. =P

as im done traveling around Europe, now i took my remaining time before i go back to MALAYSIA to travel in UK.. hehe.. im currently in Portsmouth!!!!! yahuuuuuuuuuuu

im enjoying my time with my dear friendssss here.. miss them muchi much!! =)

later *again~* i tell you guys about my trip and the old storiesss that i owe you!! huu...

for now, i want to shopping smpai pening and jalan2 smpai muntah! hakhak..
