Friday 30 April 2010

my housemate's birthday

..happy birthday to you..
..happy birthday to you..
happy birthday happy birthday
..happybirthday to you..

haha.. it has been 4days since her birthday..haha.. late update~
as her request, and as her bithday present, i made her MEE REBUS..
i've cooked it before but it was really spicy that resulted us to 'lay eggs'..
haha.. =P
this time, my mee rebus is acceptable.. =)

..the kuah of mee rebus..
i also made tiramisu cake for the first time..hehe..

..a piece of tiramisu cake..
n its nice!!!

a little party for her that night =)

the next day was our first day of class for this term..
after class, we had another celebration at Pizza Hut..

so......happy birtday sayang!

..birthday girl..
May Allah bless you always and always be happy!

weird feeling

my cooking today is such a disaster..huhu..
apart from that, i did not do anything much for the rest of the day till now..
feeling sleepy..
by the way,
i watched the Malaysian drama, ADAMAYA..
okey, watching the series that i missed for a week really influenced my feeling right now..
i don't how to discribe all the feeling that i have right now.. sad.. tension.. and.. and... hmm... maybe lets just stop there..haha
i have two more assignments to be done.. three exams to sit..
they are such a big pressure!
okey..i hate my feeling right now and i am really hoping that all of this will end real sooooooon..
may Allah bless me and give me strength to face my days..

Friday 23 April 2010

Allah make it easy for me =)

..salam guys..

Alhamdulillah.. =)
can u see my previous entry?? yes..the one below this entry.. "HOST UK"

okey..on the day when i posted that entry, i received a phone call.. it was from the HOST UK agency.. his name is Eric.. =)
he called to tell me that he found a host that match me which i could go for a visit on the date that i have chosen which is going to be on the 11th June untill 13th June..
it was not even 24 hours since i submitted the online form to join the HOST visit, i already been offered a host visit which is very interesting!
Alhadulillah..praise to Allah..He has made it easy for me.. how grateful i am to be offered that visit as quick as that.. =)
okey..i will be going to visit my host named Susan who lives in a town called Bridlington which is at the East of Yorkshire..

i am really excited! you guys want to know why??

she is going to bring me to stay in a her narrowboat.. and her house is near the beach..

Ya Allah! i love beaches!

..i would imagine her house is somewhere near here..

..this is how the narrowboat looks like..

..this is how it might look like inside the narrowboat..

i have contacted with her and she said that i can choose where i would prefer to stay..
oh my God.. both of her places seem cool! how am i going to make up my mind??

hmm.. i hope i can stay a night at her house and another in her narrowboat..
im going to visit her for 3 days and two nights..
i want to make the best of it! =)

insyaAllah... =)

now i just need to start thinking of how am i going to get to her place..
i'm going there, lots of things need to be considered..
the train journey from london to her place would take about 5hours!

it's going to be such a long way for me..

hope Allah will make my journey easy..


Thursday 22 April 2010


yesterday i went ot Augustine House..
because i was attending a tea-time regarding the HOST UK..
( if not, don't ever dream that i will step my foot there whithout any purpuses =P )
..this is Augustine House..
ok, what is HOST UK?
HOST is a voluntary organisation, a network of UK residents who welcome adult
international students ( like me )to their homes for a visit.

The purpose is to give students ( like me ) an insight into the way of life in Britain. so, i can also share my own culture with the hosts.

this is very exciting! (^_^)

i hope that i will get a host family from scotland..maybe edinburgh?.. that place is very beautiful and they have unique culture.. =)

i think they are well-known with the pipes.

i already sign up for that programme and i am among the first 25 who signed up. therefore, my university has promised to sponsor the 42 pound fee. and i just have to pay for the transportation to my host family's place..

lets pray hard for me to have a chance to experience it in Scotland!!

aminn... =)

Monday 19 April 2010


..hi there..

this time maleh nak tulis entry dlm BI..

xdak FEEL la~~


ok..critanya..harini aku g ashford factory outlet dgn kwn2 aku...
mlm b4 p tu, pk2 gak apa nak beli.. not much in my mind.. juz terpk nk beli jeans ja..
kul 12 bertolak..dlm keta, toleh kiri, toleh kanan, dh smpai.. stgh jam lbeh la jgkk..

ok la tu.. =)

dh smpai tu apa g...pusing smpai pening.. smbey2 'sedekah' duit kat kdai2 yg ada..


apa ja aku beli?

ok, aim nk beli jeans dilaksanakan.. hihi..

kesian kwn2 aku nunggu aku dok try berpuloh2 jeans.. nsb bek jgk org yg serve aku tu sabar ja layan kerenah aku..

nak size tu, nak size ni.. nak design yg tu, nak design yg ni..

hahaha =P

sorry, mate!!

yg xdak dlm perancangan pon beli gak snbrnya..haih.. syarina..syarina...

cntohnya kasut.. tp ok la.. 1st time beli ksot CLARKS.. 2 psg lak tu..ish2.. xpe.. buy 3 for 2.. hahaha.. share dgn kwn..

sharing is caring... =P

then, sweater.. musim sjuk dh nk abeh..aku br tergedik2 nk beli..haha.. sungguh pelik aku ini..=P

btw, nk beli purse xdak yg berkenan di hati..besa la org crewet mcm aku ni mmg susah.. =(

aku ni buta brand sket..xknai sgt la branded2 stuff.huhu.. asal cantik n murah, aku sapu.. haha..
since di UK, br la nk merasa pkai brg2 yg da brand sket.. hehe

jangan marah jangan jelez~~~~ =P

Sunday 18 April 2010

new menu (=

today my friend invited me to join her baking tiramisu cake..
so nice! =)
she bake 1 for me for my birthday and it was really2 nice..
so, now i know that it is very easy to bake one..

as she said:
250g cheese
150ml cream
50ml coffee
4ts of sugar and
asda boudoir fingers (will be the sponge cake)

how to make? as she said:

mix the coffee with the cheese...then mix them with the cream and sugar..
after that, dunk the fingers into the coffee, and set them in a container..
layer them with the mix cream cheese!!
decorate the cake with chocolate..

nyum3!! (^__^)

ok..that was so nice!!!!!
when i am home, i started to feel hungry..
what to do?? the food won't serve itself unless i go and cook right? hehe
recipe hunting started! my housemate was craving for 'asam pedas'.. unfortunately we don't have tamarind/ asam jawa.. so, nexttttttttttttt

found my old recipe that i copied when i was in Malaysia..

ayam masak lemak cili padi

hmm... sounds nyum3..

so i cooked that and alhamdulillah.. it tastes da bomb!! ehhehe =P not too spicy.. suits some of us who don't like spicy food much.. =) im fulled!! (^__^)

praise Him for blessing me with rezeki.. =)

volcanic ash

due to my curiousness.. =P i try to find some information about the volcona ash which has caused my flight to be cancelled.. huhu.. alright.. now i know that it happened in Iceland.. i read BBC news and its headline is:

Virtually all of Europe's major airports remain closed as a huge plume of volcanic ash drifts south and east across the continent from Iceland.


most airport has been closed.. i saw a video reporting about this effect.. the airport is totally closed and only few people left that can be counted with fingers..haha *malay stucture =P*

the ashes is dangerous as it can seriously damage the flight engine.. this is because it contains mixture of glass, sand and rock particles. and abviously it distrubs the view.. so, if u don't want your plane crashed, you have to accept the fact that flight need to be cancelled..


this message purely dedicated to me.. but its alright.. safety first... =)

later we'l c how much ice has melted ok.. for now, they couldn't fly above the volcano to access how much ice has melted..


lots of thing going on nowadays...

Ya Allah...please protect me..

Saturday 17 April 2010

bye2 madrid~ entry utk hr ni... tensi la aku.. flight ke madrid cancel..di sbbkan volcanic ash..


so, byk duit dh burn.. hostel kat sana dh byr, burn... tiket 2-day hop on/hop off bus bus dh byr.. so, burn... tket g london, g airport, balik london n balik canterbury dh, burn in total, about 40 pound burn gitu je... tu gaji sebulan aku keja.. haih....

xpe... La Tahzan.... =) setiap apa yg berlaku pasti ada hkmah di sebaliknya.. =) xde rezeki la tu... mungkin nnt Allah kirim rezeki lain utk ganti yg hilang ni? wallahualam... hanya mampu berdoa.. (^_^)

td try nk g refund dia kata mmg xleh dpt balik..sbb dh, d only cr yg leh buat, try anta surat.. nnt sy usahakan surat itu ye.. =)

pegi garden td.. masyaAllah..bunga2 sgt cntik..tulip dh mula berkembang..i love tulipssss... sungguh cntik.. plg suka tulip wana ungu..sgt2 terpikat.. =) tgkp2 gmba n balik..

hati yg pilu sbb duit burn, diubati dgn keindahan alam ciptaan Allah.. =)


syukur..21thn aku bernafas.. =)


dh terlmbt aku aku nk xcited sal bufday.. tp aku still bersyukur cuz Allah dh pnjangkan umur aku hingga skrg..dh 21 tahun dh aku bernafas kat bumi Allah ni.. aminn...alhamdulillah.. =) n suka jgk bufday aku jth ms spring...bunga2 sgt2 cntik.. =)

bufday kali ni sgt2 bermkna.. jauh dr family tp kawan2 wish n smbut..asa terharu sgt... =) dpt kad.. dpt adiah... =) bkn kad n hadiah tu yg aku hepi sgt..but the thoughts.. =) tima kasih sgt2 kwn2!! (^_________^)

n on 13 itself, aku kua dgn sumone..dia tried so hard to make me hepi..n i did.. =) tq.. dpt adiah dr dia gak..jam mahal yg xpnh aku ada.. g bluewater,,,tgk muvi 3D.. how to teach your dragon.. =) 1st gak muvi 3D,.., i wont forget that.. so, there's no way for me to say dat im not hepi la kan? hehe..dh la dpt buku nk tuleh resepi lg..bunga lg..hehe (^___^)

nefy n mira bg bebear..aku namakan WAWA..hehe..i rili like it!! the next day lak bg kek tiramisu yg sgt sedap lak..OMG.... i love u both lah!! =)

tp apa2pon, utk bufday aku, aku capai target,,, khatam al-quran.. =) alhamdulillah... =)

doa ku pohon...:

aku harap, aku akan menjadi lebih matang...
aku akan menjadi lebeh baik dr sebelumnya..

aku dpt jd anak yg solehah utk mak n abah..

adik yg baik utk abg, k.sya n pija.. dan juga kwn2 yg baik kpd kwn2 aku...

semoga aku sentiasa berada dlm rahmat Allah s.w.t...

semoga aku tidak putus menerima hidayah dprd Allah..

semoga Allah s.w.t tidak akan pernah jemu utk menurunkan hidayah- Nya kepada ku...

new journey leads to new life..

ok.. suatu pg aku bertolak ke plymouth.. bus yg aku naik tu sgt2 la slesa n perjalanan pemandangan pon sgt2lah cntik.. huhu..n perjalann ke plymouth ni asa yg plg lama pnh aku lalui spnjg dok UK nih..huhu.. xpe.. aku kembara utk sesuatu yg baik..

smpai la aku di plymouth, dok umah senior..lynn sgt baik..warm welcome.. =) next day aku bertolak ke Torquay... tmpat bermulanya MEKAR a.k.a MESRA KEMBARA..

alhamdulillah sgt2 aku terbuka hati nk join suma tu.. walopon sumanya ringkas, tp amat mendalam mknanya.. g tracking.... first time smbil tracking ada pengisian2.. dgr ceramah agama.. hati ni dh terbuka utk lebih mendekati jalan Allah.. =)

ya Allah..kau berilah hidayah- Mu kepada ku..agar aku dekat kepada- Mu dan sentiasa di bawah rahmat- Mu....

lpas tracking, ada g pntai gak..1st time g pntai... =) sgt2 best n cntik.. =) percutian yg damai n sgt xmenyesal aku join.. =) makan pon sedap =P

kenal kwn2 baru..kakak2.. sgt baik n mesra.. =) hepi sgt2... alhamdulillah... (^__^)
crita ni walopon pndek mendalam................. =)

..our resort..

..tracking at Dartmoor..

..Blackpool Sands..

..subhanAllah.. coast.. family ::MEKAR'10:: ..


this 1 i wana make it short..cuz i wana sleep...huhuhuhu...

kat manchester, aku skt terok..ubat jd kwn baik..

pengalaman?? ujan batu..skt tgn kena ujan itu..angin yg kuat dh mematahkan payung jgk..

aktiviti?? g stadium tour.. best2.. =) berbaloi2 msok tu..hehe.. beli bju kat putra kat megastore dia..mksu pon beli bju..bju tido =P...

then, g 2 tmpt shopping~~ apa yg diborng?? 1st shopping, ada la 2psg ksot..haha..kasut nike kat megastore nike.. 2psg br 29 kot.. gila murh..ksot nike 1st aku tu pon 33.. ni kan 2 dpt 29 ja..huhu..happy.. =P

shopping yg kedua, jalan2 duduk..haha..malas nk jaln byk..kaki lenguh n lencun dh la.. .., just reht2 n blik...

d next morning g stesen bas awai..sbb nk smpai awl nk blik awai... my ticket spttnya kul 4 ptg..oleh sbb aku ni pemegang award pelakon terbaik, aku dijemput naik bas 11pg..ngeh2... =P

byeeeee manchester!!!!!!!!! nnt i dtg lg ye.. =P

liverFOOL =P


whats here?? sgt2 best..sbb da tour guide a.k.a kwn housemate n kwn kpd kwn housemate tu... sgt mesra layann yg suka.. =) smpai dat night, tido dulu la macha~~ lg mau nanya ka?? esk pg?? bekfas ringan2 n kua jenjalan menjelajah..tmpt boring a.k.a museum pon jd best kitorg g.. spoil?? mst la!! sbb xpe.. syukur dgn nikmat Allah.. =)

mcm besa, bergmba itu pntg ye.. haha.. d best part ever2 di FOOD!!!! ate at WORLD BUFFET!!!! OMG~~~~~~~~~~~ halal n gila2 sdap n sgt2 puas... criusly wajib aku g lg nnt just for the food!! huhu..

btw, g stadium situ.. n btw lg skali, aku skt spjg tour ni.. demam...n kat lverpool dh dpt btok terok dh..huhu.. jd, ia berpanjangan la.. =(

in birmingham

coventry - birmingham msok yg kedua, aku dh malas dh nk nulis ..haha.. ada la jenjaln sket ja..
apa je yg dibuat???

hmmMM...smpai... smpan beggg....

jenjalan...tgkp2 gmba..da pkcik DSLR suka tgkp gmba km.. hahaha ....

suma smgt nk g sea life..skali tiket mahal da~~ xjd la nk msok..pnt ja brato sjuk2 pnjg2 kat la hrga murah sket baii!! huhu

cousin ana dtg, so, nyum2!! mkn makanan vege kat chinese restaurant... hmm..mmg nyum3! hehe..

singgah kedai cina.. megi bapak murh!! 5 bungkus 1. 75 la! kat canterbury 1 pon dh dkt 80p.. darab 5? 4 pound?? cila cekik drh.. so, happy2 dpt suma tu, jom g liverpool lak! hehe


travel with mates.. =)

mates travel?? huh?? apa itu?? haha.. transelationnya *ejaan bhs melayu =p* adlh travel bersama housemates... =)

last day of class adlh my LDV presentation.. prepare? mst la x!! haha.. mlm tu kononnya nk end up skyping dgn mak..nanges sama2..haha.. so, bila sdeh2, penawarnya adlh, aku pon main la msk2 lg..msk ikan msk 3 rs.. n mask dgg blackpaper.. hehe.. sbnrnya nk bwt dgg msk merh..ikot ja la resepi yg aku dh tulis dlm buku..upanya, aku ikot resepi lain..haha.. jd la menda lain kan? xpa.. sdap di makan.. alhamdulillah.. (^____^)

pe aku nk cita sbnrnya al kisah aku msk bab mask pulak~~ ish3... *smbil geleng2 kepala* =P.. ok.. last day of class, blik umah, pack brg, trus larikan dari umah..hahaha!! so, the journey starts! =)

g mane dulu?

canterbury - london

ok...oleh sbb kua lmbt, terkedek la kitorg ke stesen bas..nsb sgt2 baik cuz jln jem n bus xsmpai lg..kalo bus on time, kompem2 mlepas dh~ huhu.. perjalan ke london..senyap~~ zzzzzzzzzzzzz.... hahaha.. perot ja nyanyi.. =P smpai london, perut aku pon sambung la kali ni rancak sket..sbb da tmbh bunyi bit drum n gitar..haha... kenapa???


trun2 bus smpai london, trus nek bus strusnya...haha

london - coventry

itulah citanya..betapa maam besar la km ni..bus dh siap tunggu, journey proceeded.. =P seat bus nampknya makin, i loiikeee~~ =P tmbh2 tido tepi housemate, pelok dia..hmm... nyum22~~~ lena tidurku... sdar2 smpai coventry...hehe.. tunggu bus lg n smpai la di umah sahabat2 TESL.. =)

gila lah! diorg siap msk lg utk kedatangan kitorg!! bihun sup beb!! hehe.. mekasih ye.. =) rmai dtg welcome kitorang.. best..diorg sgt2 baik..i wonder if they come here they'l get the same treat or not...huhu.. so, dat night sleep at their place..

critanya, aku tido kat bilik sorg my fren..sorg2 aku ja..huhu.. yg lain suma at least berdua tido blik sahabat2 yg lain.. hmm.. dia warning awal2.. dia xbyk ckp.. huhu.. so, ok..aku pon buntu dh nk ckp apa..byk snyp.. tp, dh nk tido tu, dpt la berkongsi rhsia..hehe.. smpai la 1pg br tido..haa.. peramah kan aku?? org senyap pon leh sembg2 smpai pg.. =P

next day..g strafford upon avon..tmpt Shakespere diberanakkn.. =P nk msok apa2 mahal lah! so, mls la nk msok..bkn da pa ngat pon kan dlm tu? mcm msk muzium berbayr je.. =P so, jalan2..d only tmpt yg msok..gereja! haha..tu pon sbb byrn dia 50p, dlm tu ada la kubur Shakespere n bini dia.. hmm~~ boleh tgk ja la..bkn leh gali kubur tu pon..hakhakhak.. *gara2 dendam sama shakespere sbb aku kena blaja karya dia yg buat aku penin kepala~* hahahaha

gerak lg..g warwick, situ, walopon berbayar, but............ berbaloi-baloi..hehe..hev fun there..walopon sbnrnya aku menangis sebentr kat situ sbb sdeh of tiada siapa yg tahu..rhsia aku dgn ida syarina a.k.a diri aku sndr..hehe.. abaikan!! tettt..... so, posing2, round2..pulang!! (^___^) pulng coventry ye..hehe.. so, another night at their place.. btw, every morning the made us breakfast.. baik hati sungguh.. semoga Allah balas jasa baik diorng.. aaamiiiinnnnn.. =)

bila dh smpai bilik my fren nih, hati gundh gelana..dia senyap bc novel n dgr music..aku terlentang sorg2 penat n xtau nk mula ckp..g mandi lu dpt energy..haha..lpas mand, aku mulakan.. "jom la sembang..........." hahaha.. gila desperate smpai kena ckp mcm, smbg la km mcm2 hal..tido kul 12.. =)

so, next morning lg.. we left coventry... =) sayonara!! (^_^)


helo helo~~~~~

OH MY GUCCI!!!! heee..akhirnya i tulis jgk blog.. ye la.. i busy lah...hmm..busy watpe ye?? mcm2...gossip...tgk muvie~~~ hee... ckp sal tgk muvie..sbb tu la i jd mcm nie... i??instead of "AKU" ???? HAHA,,,, kasi cann la~~~ nk cita..o dpt penangan dr muvie yg bertitle sama dgn title blog entry i kali nie.... PISAU CUKUR!!!

well~~ i suke tgk cite ni...tgk gedik2 2 org wanita yg mengejar harta benda...nk kawen dgn org kaya...utk hidup kisah di sebalik plhan jln hdup diorg ni..btw, kish jln hdup sorg dr 2 wanita tu la sbrnya yg di cerita..hmmm... here i include the trailer.. enjoy!!!

uuu... PANASS!!! (Nur Fazura, 2010/2009).. wah2...i suke tau...hehe..i pon nk jd kelasss cm gitu~~~ hee... mcm si Bella (Maya Karin) tu...nak sgtt org kaya...pulon nk jd mcm org bestnyaaaaa!!!! last2 dpt org yg kaya betoll2 n betol2 suka kat dia!!! OH MY LOUIS VIUTTON!!! i pon nakkkk!!!! tp dh terlambat...huuhu..criously...sgt bez!!!! hee..itu je la yg i suke..huu..sbb mmg dream evry gurl kot..hmm...bestnyeee..... huhu..nnt dia hidup sng, aman n bahagia!! perfect!!!

hmm..btw, in my opinion, i rase cite ni ade sket sbyk mcm cite Detective Conan.. yela...mcm dok ats kapal, ada pembunuhan n diorg siasat n dpt tgkp pembunuh!! hmm..wat do you tink?? kalo korg pnh tgk cite Conan n tgk lak cite ni..mesti korng akn dpt ase sket sbyk persamaan di Intan (Nur Fazura) dlm cite ni pon bez jgk..kegedikannya menjd..uuuuooooo....panasss gitu!! dia mgkn end up dgn si detective tu (Aaron Aziz)..walopon xkaya tp...hensem!! hee... ckp mengenai Aaron Aziz, membawa i kembali ke zaman matrix dulu..kitorg blaja komputer n kena wat poster gitu la..n i bwt la poster promote filem la katakan...xtau nk boh pelakon, my fren gtau la aaron aziz ni...i bwt xtau pon sape,.ade la xcamm lak..tgk cite ni bru i tau siape sbnrnya Aaron Aziz..hihi..

oklah...dh mlalut..ape2 pon..i suke cite ni...actually igtkn cite ni mcm cite Shoppaholic *xtau btol ke x ejaan die*..tot cite yg berkisahkn 2 org yg mmg gile brandded goodss..upenye cita sal pnyiasatan gitu..gedik tu mcm extra, agak kecewa jgk di, apepon, i still ENJOY!!! (^_^)

warm up...


i have my own blog before..just a private one for me to shout out my heart's voice.. =)

so there are some of my my entries after this that i will copy from my other blog.. hehe.. i have chosen the relevant one to show to the public.. =P

sorry if anything that i wrote or will write hurt anyone..

it is just a lame blog that i would write..

whatever it its, enjoy!!