Friday 28 October 2011

chill-lex break

hey all..

in the middle of tons of workss..
i escaped to have some fun!!


escaped to Guildford, Surrey!!!

since it is my study week.. yeah right- Study??

leaving canterbury in the morning, arrived Guildford when it was raining,
took a bus n met my friend, a good 1! :)

then, from uni (i joined University if Surrey 's trip actually) we left to..
we were there from 1pm till 10pm!!!
it was Fright Nights at Thorpe Park
(for Halloween) the entrance (cold+light rain)..

we split up into 2 groups

1: extreme rides group
2: kiddos rides group (me one of them!!!) lol

i was so fine at my last amusement park that i went (Disneyland, Paris)
but my bravery was taken back by Allah i guess
cuz i don't dare anymore to ride any extreme ones..
it was such a shame!
but the other 2 girls were on my side..


the kiddos group ended up riding the extreme ones and enjoyed them amazingly!!

the Colossus was our first extreme ride..
we lined up for almost 2 hours for it! huu..
such a looooong Q..

but it worth the wait!!
not a single sound came out from me during the ride! haha..
i was prepared..

im not scared..
just that i dont want to scream..
but i love it so much!
no fear bebeh!!

...the Colossus -it was such a long roller coaster, but thrilling!!.

i thought that was the first and the last..

we went on the Saw ride which was extremely super deep and scary!!!
but it was soooooo exciting though!!!

..Saw ride- can u see how scary it was???..

anyhow, i really enjoy the Thorpe Park trip..
next destination would be the Elton Tower!!
bring it on!!!!

stayed a night at my lovely friend's room..
and i cooked yorkshire pudding and chicken curry as requested..

nice hang out guys!!!


back to workloadssss~

Tuesday 25 October 2011

good morning news for me!


the good news is from my university!!!

i have been selected as.....

CCCU Student Ambassador!!!!!!



out of a lot of application,
50 people were selected for the interview..

and out of 50 people, only 20 was selected for the role!!

i was one of them~

introducing about the person next to,
and a short presentation on your in from of other answering a situation that was given...

everybody did really well!

and made me think that im not compatible with them

of course they will have bigger chance for the role instead of me
(maybe no chance for me at ALL!!)

but it turns out that I got the chance!!!

i was sooo grateful!!

hope my third will be more valuable with me taking up this role..

from Jacey:::

I am pleased to inform you that you were successful at interview and I would like to officially offer you the role of CCCU Student Ambassador.

that makes me read it again n again!!!! :)

this role is basically needs me to go to schools and give talks to students..
and encourage them to go to the university

with my experience, being an international students at a university,
i could at least give affective words to them..


and the best thing about taking up this role is::::

You will be paid 8.5 hours


wish all the best for me!!!!

training will be held on 5th November 2011
(and it will be paid hourly)

i like!!!


22 candles..

che Nefy!!!

hehe.. this sweet girl's birthday was in July..

but yesterday was our friend's birthday..
what we did we do??

the 22 candles was actually used by our 'gang'
and she's the last 22

since her birthday was when all of us not around, we didnt have the opportunity to celebrate

so, we lighted up the 22 birthday candles on someone's cake for her!!

tumpang2 lalu atas kek~~

happy belated birthday my housemate!!!!

*that was so not your cake. nefy!! haha

i'm back!!


everytime update blog it has always been about me coming back
but yet
no story had been updated


this time i decided to start from where i am now
about the past stories??
the last 5 or 6 countries that ive been??

one day they will be revealed!!


i'm back in the UK after a short summer break in Malaysia

i passed my year 2 so now proudly in year 3
which means,,
final year in the UK!!!!!!1


when i came to think about it,,
how time does fly away..
its now far from now anyway..
will be extremely sad to leave when the time comes..

so, being a final year student
(final in the UK only cause another year in Malaysia)
of cause give me a hair wired!!

too much things to be done!! :(
(even though i'm still wasting my time writing this instead of writing assignments)
lots of assignments due shortly..
the nearest is this coming Monday
(which i haven't have a clue about what i should do)

whatever it is,,
i would to welcome myself back
(eee.. xmalu!! haha)


wish myself::
and all the readers too
(mcm la ada org bc sgt blog ni >.<")