Friday 28 October 2011

chill-lex break

hey all..

in the middle of tons of workss..
i escaped to have some fun!!


escaped to Guildford, Surrey!!!

since it is my study week.. yeah right- Study??

leaving canterbury in the morning, arrived Guildford when it was raining,
took a bus n met my friend, a good 1! :)

then, from uni (i joined University if Surrey 's trip actually) we left to..
we were there from 1pm till 10pm!!!
it was Fright Nights at Thorpe Park
(for Halloween) the entrance (cold+light rain)..

we split up into 2 groups

1: extreme rides group
2: kiddos rides group (me one of them!!!) lol

i was so fine at my last amusement park that i went (Disneyland, Paris)
but my bravery was taken back by Allah i guess
cuz i don't dare anymore to ride any extreme ones..
it was such a shame!
but the other 2 girls were on my side..


the kiddos group ended up riding the extreme ones and enjoyed them amazingly!!

the Colossus was our first extreme ride..
we lined up for almost 2 hours for it! huu..
such a looooong Q..

but it worth the wait!!
not a single sound came out from me during the ride! haha..
i was prepared..

im not scared..
just that i dont want to scream..
but i love it so much!
no fear bebeh!!

...the Colossus -it was such a long roller coaster, but thrilling!!.

i thought that was the first and the last..

we went on the Saw ride which was extremely super deep and scary!!!
but it was soooooo exciting though!!!

..Saw ride- can u see how scary it was???..

anyhow, i really enjoy the Thorpe Park trip..
next destination would be the Elton Tower!!
bring it on!!!!

stayed a night at my lovely friend's room..
and i cooked yorkshire pudding and chicken curry as requested..

nice hang out guys!!!


back to workloadssss~

1 comment:

  1. SAYA PAK LUKAS DARI HONGKONG Syukur Alhamdulillah di tahun ini Saya mendapatkan Rezeki yg berlimpah sebab sudah hampir 10 Tahun Saya bekerja di (HONGKONG) tdk pernah menikmati hasil jeripaya saya karna Hutang keluarga Sangatlah banyak namun Akhirnya, saya bisa terlepas dari masalah Hutang Baik di bank maupun sama Majikan saya di Tahun yg penuh berkah ini,
    Dan sekarang saya bisa pulang ke Indonesia dgn membawakan Modal buat Keluarga supaya usaha kami bisa di lanjutkan lagi,dan tak lupa saya ucapkan Terimah kasih banyak kepada AKI DARMO karna Beliaulah yg tlah memberikan bantuan kepada kami melalui bantuan Nomor Togel jadi sayapun berhasil menang di pemasangan Nomor di HONGKONG dan menang banyak
    Jadi,Bagi Teman yg ada di group ini yg mempunyai masalah silahkan minta bantuan Sama AKI DARMO dgn cara TLFN di Nomor ;[082-310-142-255] percaya ataupun tdk itu tergantung sama anda Namun inilah kisa nyata saya-ATAU, KUNGJUNGGI, BLOG, AKI DARMO… >>> KLIK DISINI ANGKA TEMBUS 2D,3D,4D,5D,6D,7D,9D-<<<<
